Use this spray conversion tool to convert gallons/acre to litres/ha and vice versa.

To convert a specific value not listed enter the 'Quantity' and 'Conversion type' values below and click on ' = '

Spray Conversion Quick Chart

litres/ha gallons/acre
0.11  0.01     
0.22  0.02     
0.34  0.03     
0.45  0.04     
0.79  0.07     
1.01  0.09     
1.24  0.11     
1.50  0.13     
1.75  0.16     
2.02  0.18     
2.47  0.22     
3.03  0.27     
4.04  0.36     
5.05  0.45     
5.95  0.53     
7.00  0.62     
8.00  0.71     
9.00  0.80     
10.00  0.89     
20.00  1.78     
30.00  2.67     
40.00  3.56     
50.00  4.45     
100.00  8.90     
150.00  13.35     
200.00  17.80     
250.00  22.25     
300.00  26.70     
350.00  31.15     
400.00  35.60